Cut-off Marks

KSU JAMB and Departmental Cut off Marks 2022/2023

KSU JAMB and Departmental Cut off Marks. Kogi State University (KSU) JAMB and Departmental Cut off marks to be used for the 2022/2023 academic session have released. JAMB Cut-off marks for degree-awarding institutions is 170. See more details below.

KSU has announce 2022/2023 JAMB and Departmental Cut off marks. JAMB UTME candidates will only require a minimum UTME score of 170 before you can offer Admission into the university. KSU JAMB Cut Off Mark and Departmental Cut Off Marks as released by the management for the 2022/2023 UTME admission exercise

Due to the high number of students wishing to study at the Kogi State University (KSU), the admission processes are competitive and admissions are given based on the higher the jamb scores, the higher the chances of being admitted.

KSU Cut-off Marks 2022.

Official KSU Cut-off Marks for 2022 is 170

Note: Meeting the minimum KSU cut off mark does not guarantee admission into your desired degree programme, your Post UTME Score, O’Level Grades, Subject Combination, JAMB Score and other factors are pre-requisite for admission to BUK.

KSU Departmental Cut Off Mark 2022

Post UTME Cut-Off Mark:

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1 Agriculture 40
2. Food Science and Technology 43
3. Fisheries and Aquaculture 40
4. Home Science 40


1 Arabic Language and Literature 40
2 Christian Religious Studies 40
3 English and Literary Studies 47
4 History and International Studies 45
5 Islamic Studies 40
6 Philosophy 40
7 Theatre Arts 43


1 Education/Christian Religious Studies 40
2 Education/English Language 42
3 Education/Islamic Studies 40
4 Education/Biology 42
5 Education/Chemistry 40
6 Education/Mathematics 40
7 Education/Physics 40
8 Education/Economics 40
9 Education/Geography 40
10 Human Kinetics 40
11 Library and Information Science 47
12 Education/ Social Studies 40


1 Law


1 Accounting 43
2 Banking and Finance 46
3 Business Administration 42
4 Public Administration 43


1 Animal and Environmental Biology 40
2 Biochemistry 51
3 Chemistry 44
4 Computer Science 45
5 Geology 44
6 Industrial Chemistry 65
7 Mathematics 40
8 Microbiology 53
9 Plant Sciences and Biotechnology 40
10 Physics 40
11 Statistics 40


1 Economics 41
2 Geography and Planning 40
3 Mass Communication 51
4 Political Science 46
5 Sociology 50

JAMB Cut Off Mark:

Only candidates with UTME Score of 160 and above and with requisite minimum of Five (5) O’Level Credit Passes in the relevant subjects are eligible to attend KSU post UTME Screening Exercise.

READ ALSO:   EBSU JAMB and Departmental Cut off Marks 2022/2023

Note to Mobile users: Scroll to the side to view all the contents in the table below:


1 Agriculture 160
2. Food Science and Technology 170
3. Fisheries and Aquaculture 160
4. Home Science 160


1 Arabic Language and Literature 160
2 Christian Religious Studies 160
3 English and Literary Studies 160
4 History and International Studies 160
5 Islamic Studies 160
6 Philosophy 160
7 Theatre Arts 160


1 Education/Christian Religious Studies 160
2 Education/English Language 160
3 Education/Islamic Studies 160
4 Education/Biology 160
5 Education/Chemistry 160
6 Education/Mathematics 160
7 Education/Physics 160
8 Education/Economics 160
9 Education/Geography 160
10 Human Kinetics 160
11 Library and Information Science 160
12 Education/ Social Studies 160


1 Law 230


1 Accounting 174
2 Banking and Finance 160
3 Business Administration 174
4 Public Administration 166


1 Animal and Environmental Biology 160
2 Biochemistry 180
3 Chemistry 160
4 Computer Science 185
5 Geology 160
6 Industrial Chemistry 165
7 Mathematics 160
8 Microbiology 189
9 Plant Sciences and Biotechnology 160
10 Physics 160
11 Statistics 160


1 Economics 160
2 Geography and Planning 160
3 Mass Communication 192
4 Political Science 170
5 Sociology 160
READ ALSO:   FULAFIA JAMB and Departmental Cut off Marks 2022/2023


  • Candidates who did not meet up with the requirements of the courses they applied for are advised to effect change of course on as appropriate. (JAMB course combination for every course must be put into consideration)
  • Candidates are strongly advised to upload their O’level results on JAMB portal
  • Candidates are to note that a date for the sales of KSU Post UTME Screening forms will be announced and published on with the mode of payment duly outlined.
  • In case of any enquiry/assistance where necessary, candidates are to send their emails to (Ensure to quote your JAMB Reg. No. in all mails)
  • Candidates must have valid phone numbers and E-mail address before starting the application procedure.

Please that KSU admission processes are competitive and admissions are given based on the higher the jamb scores, the higher the chances of being admitted.

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