Cut-off Marks

KSUST JAMB and Departmental Cut off Marks 2022/2023

KSUST JAMB and Departmental Cut off Marks. Kebbi State University (KSUST) JAMB and Departmental Cut off marks to be used for the 2022/2023 academic session have released. JAMB Cut-off marks for degree-awarding institutions is 170. See more details below.

KSUST has announce 2022/2023 JAMB and Departmental Cut off marks. JAMB UTME candidates will only require a minimum UTME score of 170 before you can offer Admission into the university. KSUST JAMB Cut Off Mark and Departmental Cut Off Marks as released by the management for the 2022/2023 UTME admission exercise

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Due to the high number of students wishing to study at the Kebbi State University (KSUST), the admission processes are competitive and admissions are given based on the higher the jamb scores, the higher the chances of being admitted.

KSUST Cut-off Marks 2022.

Official KSUST Cut-off Marks for 2022 is 170

Note: Meeting the minimum KSUST cut off mark does not guarantee admission into your desired degree programme, your Post UTME Score, O’Level Grades, Subject Combination, JAMB Score and other factors are pre-requisite for admission to BUK.

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KSUST Departmental Cut Off Mark 2022

Kebbi State University, KSUST Departmental Cut Off Marks 2022/2023 has not been officially released. The following are just assumed points. Please always confirm from an official source.

KSUST Faculty of Medical Sciences Cut Off Mark

Medicine – 250 and Above

KSUST Faculty of Law Cut Off Mark

Law – 240 and above

KSUST Faculty of Engineering Cut Off Mark

Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, Civil, Computer, etc – 220 and above

KSUST Faculty of Science Cut Off Mark

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Industrial Chemistry, Industrial Physics, Computer Science, Geology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Anatomy, etc – 190 and above

Please that KSUST admission processes are competitive and admissions are given based on the higher the jamb scores, the higher the chances of being admitted.

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